
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Note to self...

"You will NOT lose this weight and/or feel comfortable in your own skin by going to work and eating doughnuts all day!!!"

Everyday I go to work with strong intentions of not eating ANY doughnut samples that day. There on the bakery case they sit and stare at me, and everyday I eat them! What the heck?? After eating a few doughnut samples I tell myself, "Its fine, I just won't eat lunch." Ummm hello, that's not fine! Be normal Casey! It is so not worth it! Ughh this journey is rough sometimes!

Any other foodies have ideas on getting over these constant temptations and unhealthy thoughts of skipping meals??


Monday, December 27, 2010

Weigh in

I was up .6 at weigh in this morning for a total loss of 12.4 lbs. I am ok with that considering I only made it to the gym once this past week and consumed far too many Christmas cookies!! My foot is FINALLY 100% better, I think/hope. Heading to the gym for some treadmill time today!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Hopes & Goals

-Feel significantly more comfortable in my skin.
-Get down to 130 lbs +/- a few and stay there.
-Continue to visit the gym regularly.
-Run a 5k.
-Work much harder at tracking (Weight Watchers).
-Make Life Time Membership (Weight Watchers).
-Get accepted into and begin a masters program.
-Plan a vacation.
-Pick up a new hobby or two.
-Laugh a lot.
-Take it easy.
-Don't be so hard on myself.
-Be able to buy hubs a new vehicle.
-Spend lots of time with family, his and mine.
-Make new friends.
-Keep the old. (Seriously, must get better at that!)
-Find a church we both love.
-Cook more.
-Smile everyday.

Just a few thoughts as I gear up for the new year!

Weigh in tomorrow, I'm afraid Christmas cookies may have done me in this week. Oops! Will update with results in the AM!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Recovering from a rough week

Last week was a tough week. Starting on Monday I was up 1.4 lbs at my weigh in and pretty down on myself. On the way home from my WW meeting I got in a car accident which left me with a ticket and depressed mood for the remainder of the week. Really I need to be thankful for my life as an SUV plowed into me. Also last week I woke up hardly able to walk on my right foot resulting in no visits to the gym for the whole week. My foot is still not up to par but I plan on returning to the gym today for some lifting.

All this being said, I was down 2 lbs at my weigh in this morning for a total loss of 13 lbs, only 4 lbs from goal and 1 lb from 10% lost! Apparently my body reacts in my favor during stressful times. :) This morning I also found out that my WW leader passed away which is very hard to hear as she was a wonderful woman and great motivator! She will surely be missed by all of her meeting members!

Have a great week!!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Weigh in set back...

This morning I was up 1.4 at my weigh in for a total loss of 11 lbs. Not a great way to start the week. I am so upset at myself for not being more careful this past week! Today starts new week and hopefully I can get back on track!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Monday

I was down another .8 for a total loss of 12.4 lbs at weigh in today. Just 4.6 lb from my goal weight of 130 lbs! Once I reach 130 lbs I must stay within +/- 2 lbs for a total of 6 weeks in order to become a life time member of Weight Watchers. Once I reach lifetime membership I am allowed to return to Weight Watchers at any time, for FREE!

I do however have a few obstacles ahead of me in the coming weeks. This coming weekend my family will be celebrating Christmas, also this weekend is my birthday. This could mean a lot of unhealthy eating, so I must try and watch what I eat and make it to the gym regularly. The weekend of the 18th my husband and I are heading to Hibbing, MN to visit a few friends. We are so excited to see them but I am dreading the food and workout situation (any tips from other bloggers much appreciated). Come January we are packing up and heading to Mexico for a whole 2 weeks! Again, as excited as I am, this could be very detrimental to my weight loss. Last January I gained a whole 10 lbs on our vacation!

My whole goal in publicizing all of this is to hold me accountable to my goals. I will let you know how this weekend goes for me as well as the following weeks! Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The world we live in...

Last night was the Victoria Secret fashion show. This is the third yr I have observed facebook trends during the night of the VS show. It never fails that my screen becomes covered in statuses such as, "Hitting the gym tomorrow.", or "Not eating for a week after watching this." around 9 PM. I always find myself sooo frustrated at why VS would air such a show? Or perhaps the better question is why would VS air such models. Not ONE of the women walking across the stage is a good depiction of what the normal body looks like, nor should women strive for such a body. When women feel they have to starve themselves or work out endlessly to achieve such a body you know we have a problem...

To the women who put themselves through watching the VS fashion show each yr and feeling more terrible about their bodies each time, spare yourselves. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Think healthy, not thin today :)


Monday, November 29, 2010

New Weight Watchers Program & 5k Training!

Today began a brand new Weight Watchers program called Points Plus. The program focuses on a combination of fat, protein, fiber, & carbohydrates. I am excited to see how this program will work in my own life. The leaders have already been on it for about 3 months and are seeing great results. I will keep you posted! Today I was down .6 for a total loss of 11.6 lbs. Not bad for the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend!!

Last night I headed to the gym and started my 5k training. I never thought I would run a 5k ever in my life however one of my close friends is getting married on May 21st and together with her fiance came up with the idea to run a 5k with the wedding party the day before the wedding! At first I must admit I was a little peeved at the idea and although I could have watched from the sidelines I started thinking, "Hello Casey, this is your time to hop on that treadmill and start dropping even more lbs!" So thank you my dear friends for pushing me to train for my first 5k!! Since the 5k isn't until May 20th I should be on track to run very well! Any exercise buffs with training tips? For now I just plan on adding a little bit more to speed and distance each day. I will keep you updated on how training is going!

Think healthy today!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 2

With Thanksgiving soon just around the corner I decided to post a blog with a few fun Thanksgiving food facts!

The fact that stuck out to me: 3,000 Calories are consumed by the average person at Thanksgiving dinner. I for one will be watching what I eat much more closely this Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a fabulous time with family and friends over Thanksgiving!! Travel safe!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 1

It's Monday! Most people hate Mondays, for me it's bitter sweet. I always have Mondays off of work which is great but I go to my Weight Watchers meeting and weigh in every Monday. Sometimes I get good news, sometimes bad. This morning I was up .2 lb for a total loss of 11 lbs. Pretty good... could be much better. With 6 more lbs to lose before reaching my goal weight I must start being better at tracking what I eat and working out consistently at least 3 times a week. With being sick today and not wanting to expose the world to such ickyness I hope to clean my house vigorously in place of the gym. I'll let you know how that went when I post next :)

With a total of 17 lbs to lose until my goal weight (11 of them already lost) I feel the need to note why this is so important to me. Although it is not a lot of weight and some may say I should not worry about my weight I have never once in my life felt super comfortable in my skin. Everyone is different in what they need in order to feel comfortable with their body and for me I need to get down to 130 lbs and I need to continue living a healthy life style and seeing success in more ways than just the number on the scale.

That's all for now!



Thank you for visiting my new healthy living blog! I will still continue to update the Speaker Family blog as time fits but I am finding I have a lot more to write specifically on my weight loss/healthy living journey vs. anything going on here in La Crosse! This morning I found the blog of a man who has lost an amazing amount of weight. He said that what helped him a lot was going public with his intentions. I have begun to do that via facebook and my other blog, however what better way to go public than having a blog centered on my goals? You can read about Ryan's journey here

I plan on posting things that are motivating to me for those readers who are looking to embark on their own journey (this may include other blogs, quotes, pictures, etc.), my activity, & as I get used to writing down everything I eat I may share some of that information with you as well, oh and of course my Weight Watchers weight ins each Monday.